Sunday, September 5, 2010

OTD: Over-Thinking Disorder

Having had had a highly poor night's sleep because of this particular syndrome, I decided that it deserved at least a blog post.
I've always been more or less aware of the fact that I overthink most of the things that constitute the dreary tale that is my life, but only yesterday (or rather, earlier today) did it become something of a burden, an overworked brain that I couldn't turn off. I eventually had a sensory overload of sorts.
The good part of ovethinking everything is, well, you see stuff. A lot of stuff that most people don't see, or see and don't consider much. You read into details, the small sort, and it gives you insight about things that most people look rather thrown about when you mention it to them. And it takes them a few seconds to say in a rather dazed way: 'Hmmm.....I guess you're right.'
But then, some things are just not to be mentioned, so you end up keeping a lot of your observations to yourself. That is just a side effect of this disorder: you don't usually like to disclose your observations.
Unless you're trying to freak out the subject of your attention, that is.
The bad part I've pretty much already spelled out. Your brain never truly turns off. Stuff churns in your head until you get positively annoyed with it.
The best part is: I have no control over it whatsoever. =P
Like it or hate it, if you have an overactive brain, you have it.

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