Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Cat-and-Mouse Chase

I have to be incredibly jobless to write about this. I realise that, in some part of my brain. But then, that part of my brain was no part of the awe experienced by the rest of me as I watched Cartoon Network's Tom and Jerry today, after something like an eon...though it's probably been no more than eight years or so.

At some point eight years ago, that show which I had loved with all my heart became nothing but annoying background music as I got into 'older' stuff. (Background music because I got a little sister - whoo hoo - right about then). I mean, you can only watch the same stuff over and over again so many times once you're over the rolling-on-the-floor laughing stage. But today, I didn't laugh or even grin. I merely wondered how a little grey cat and an even smaller brown mouse - two of nature's extremely common creations - could survive getting run over, beaten the crap out of by a particularly monstrous bulldog, inhaled and sneezed out by a T-Rex, carried off by a pterodactyl (presumably for edible purposes), falling off the top floors of buildings, getting struck by lightning, and let's not forget the classic coming down a chimney and catching fire and collapsing into a pile of ashes, only to regenerate within a second, looking around comically bewildered.

That is a lot to wonder, I tell you.

The only conclusion I could arrive to was that well, it's only a cartoon show, and of course the whole world is crazy. Accepting that, the world stands explained.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fighting Reality?!

Seriously, sometimes it's like that's what I'm doing 24x7.
I mean, I know I have absolutely no one to blame but myself...actually, I do have others to blame, and correctly so, but I'd rather not.
Anyway, if there's any reason that my life drives me absolutely CRAZY, and not in a nice, fun, Oh-I'm-loving-it way, but rather in a bad, annoying, ugh-what-should-I-do way, I am not aware of it.
And guess what? It doesn't matter, Reasons are only a means to pacify ourselves, not an actual solution to the problem. At least, in this case.
I know what the problem is, but that doesn't take me any closer to solving it.
I was always your typical dreamer - I always had my head in the clouds, quite literally. There was another world altogether, based on reality, but still far from it, that I had constructed in my head. I can safely say that I spent way more time there, because it was easier. It was perfect according to me. I won't list the details here, but just to make it clear, I was not Princess Diana or anything in that world. I was still me, but my world was very, very different.
And lucky for me, I was one of those people who can choose what to believe.
No, I'm not a schizophrenic. I knew what reality was, I just didn't choose to believe it.
But the day had to come.
My dazzling dreamworld came shattering down around me...I won't say why, but it did.
And now, having to actually cope with reality...not fun at all. Because in reality, I can't mould everything the way I want it. I guess that just goes to show that somewhere inside me lives a control freak.
Or maybe not. I don't know.
But I do know that if try to step back into my fantasy world, it won't work. It will be like a broken crystal vase: I may be able to put together the pieces but I won't be able to hold them that way forever.
So now, it's time to return to the abnormally normal thing called life, only this time, I won't have my dreams to save me. Give me hope, maybe, but not save me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


It's my way of making a fresh start.
I realised, when I was sitting and chewing on chocolate chip cookies and staring at absolutely nothing, that I ought to have paid more attention, given more importance to this blog that I created at half-past one in the morning, with my mom yelling her head off about how I should be more responsible and put my computer away on time...but that's an entirely different story. So my point is, if I initiated it, I should go on with it.
So I deleted all the entries I'd made before (believe me, it wasn't fun deleting stuff I'd written, but then those entries weren't much to br proud of either) and decided to start anew.
Of course, with my current state of activity (which is absolute inactivity), I had to get past all the points of boredom that ever existed to come back to what I'd deemed a lost cause. So I stared at Rihanna dancing in leopard-print pants on TV, downloaded all the songs ever released by Evanescence and, as a last straw, watched Eclipse (retch, retch)...and then decided to give my own blogging skills another try.
Now as for Eclipse, even though by saying this I'm making myself a target of eggs, tomatoes and whatever else the alleged Twihards can dig out of their refrigerators (though that is just a waste; ever heard of food scarcity?), my God, they killed the book. They might as well have picked up a copy of it and very symbolically ripped it, cover to cover, before throwing that butane lighter on to it.
The story is, of course THE most predictable thing on earth, but there is a certain magic about Meyer's storytelling that hooked millions worldwide. The addictive element that she adds has been missing in the movies from the beginning   (I would know, having watched them all, though I swore to myself I wouldn't...guess I couldn't help hoping) but as the sequels sprang up, the lack became more and more conspicuous. And as for all the Lautner-crazy women out there (yes, you!) I can't empathise with your adoration for this fellow, who may be really great in the gym, but didn't really show off much but the abs onscreen. (I'm going to sleep with a pick under my covers tonight).
But of course, the people hell-bent on saving the crumbling pedestal of this series....they loved it.
Thank goodness addiction doesn't affect my judgment.