Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This one's for the so-called clones.
Very often in life you come across certain people who, well, remind you of yourself in ways that you would've preferred to think you were perfectly unique. But we all come across one person who, in my words, steals our individuality. Whether or not you have much respect for your individual personality and how different it is, there will always be one person who makes you want to scream: UGH!! Stop reading my mind!!

Because, well, they can't help it any more that you can. Sometimes, you find people who may actually be very different from you on the outside, but the way in which both of you think will be freakishly similar. There must be some logical explanation for these similarities, but I have yet to find it.
Until then, well, I will just be very close to scared every time my mind is read by a person, who, in my case, I have met all of one time.
That is all. Once. So it's not even influence of any sort.
So, until the scientific explanation for why some people can be so weirdly similar even though they've lived completely different lives comes along, I'm also going to secretly enjoy the fact that there is one person in six billion that I can completely and honestly relate to. =)

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