Thursday, December 9, 2010

Accepting Reality =)

I kind of realised, on retrospection, that I complain a lot.

Well, actually, that would be general for the entire human population, if you exclude the Jamie-from-A-Walk-To-Remember types.
It's strange, isn't it? How much we complain about the things we have, the things we want and the things we can never have. As if it makes any sort of an improvement in the situation.
Yeah, no.
Whoever said that there is an 'up' side to everything knew what he was talking about. If there's something wrong with your life, there has to be something good about it. If you've got a lot of crap to deal with, there is definitely something good coming out of it. Not the crap, exactly. Just the experience of dealing with it.
If there are a lot of people you hate, there have to be people, maybe a select, special few, who you love with all your heart. There is always something that makes everything else completely worth it.
There is always a balance. There is beauty in balance.
The experiences of life help you grow as a person. This is it, the life lessons the grownups say you don't learn at school (they got that wrong, I guess), the falling and getting up and again, the getting into the water and drowning by staying there.
I remember being depressed about my dreamworld shattering. But now, I know that dreams are dreams, but reality is something else altogether. It's a rush, a rollercoaster ride. It's being truly alive. It's not being perfect, it's not having everything you have, It's making the most of what you do have and pursuing what you want. It's falling in love and having a heartbreak, it's like having chocolate to chase the heartache away. It's the cloudy grey sky before a storm, it's the rainbow after it. It's being who you want to be. It's a hell of an experience.

It's life, full on, unceasing and never waiting.
Imperfection is exactly why it's so real. Perfection is just too boring.

So all of those people out there, who feel that life sucks (God save me from the number of people I've heard saying that, and they call me depressed/emo/goth...) I hope this message finds its way to you and burns some of my certainty into your heart, so that the next time you start out with a complaint, you think about this and look for the happiness waiting to be found. Because you may feel like a lot of things worth being upset about surround you, but happiness is inside you, in a glowing golden chamber just waiting to be opened.

Here's hoping I don't sound like a Sunshine Girl Scout high on her first beer. O.O

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